Sunday, January 31, 2010


Went shopping at Ang Mo Kio with family. The main purpose was to shop for grandma's clothes but in the end im the only one who bought clothes. 2hrs was enough to settle my new year's clothes. Efficient. Im quite satisfied with my purchases. 5 pieces but still felt not enough. Maybe is too long never shop le.

After that we finally went to shop for grandma's clothes. It was a brutal torture watching aunties shopping. Luckily it didn't last long.

Haven do blaw tutorial yet. See the case study so long wan faint liao. Must handwrite somemore. Hate blaw. But lucky not i present, so can anyhow do. Haha.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Getting started

Finally created a blog le. Over the years, i'd kept all my feelings inside my heart whether happy or sad. Maybe it's because i built a wall around myself. And maybe thats the reason i seldom smile. But now, this will be the place where all the trash in my heart goes.