Friday, August 24, 2012

I finished my dinner and so i waited for the others to finish too. Bla bla bla then i checked for my wallet. Oh no! It's not there. Even my phone too. Where is it? GG! Not on the floor. Not on the table. I scoured the whole food court for my belongings. And then i saw them, at one of the counter. Must have been looted gg!

I looked inside my wallet. Money gone. Card gone. The thief must have ran away with them. Damn! What to do? Police? This is the worst thing that could ever happen to me!!! Please let this be a dream! Please! Argghhh ...And then i woke up...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Tomorrow I will be having my last music lesson. Due to enlistment, i have to stop for now. The plan is to continue after BMT which would be next year. But i hate it. I don't like the idea of not practicing for so such a long period. I don't want my passion to gradually lessen. Don't want.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Haha he is so funny. Hope he doesn't retire.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Revving Up

I was still so nervous yesterday, making mistakes that i shouldn't at the circuit. But unlike the other times that i failed, today i've got a feeling that i'm going to do it right. During the warm-up lesson before the test, my instructor brought me to one test route that i didn't went before (or i had forgotten). I was warned of the few traps in that route. I had a good feeling back then.

After we had one last run in the circuit, i sat in that accursed waiting room again. 心如止水, i had to keep myself calm. Finally my tester came and we proceeded to the car. (Damn! He walked like a snail.) We passed by instructor. He saw the tester and gave me some signal. He seems to be mouthing the word "凶". Gone case man.

The whole circuit was like walking on thin ice. Intimidating. I would never want to go through this again. After getting out of circuit, he began to make things difficult for me. Never say "turn left" just admit it like a man. Don't lie that you did and blame me. Trick me some more huh. Purposely wait till i painstakingly kept left then tell me to do an u-turn. Fine but don't reprimand me for not choosing my lane in advance!

There were lots of cars then and they were fast. I had to change like 2/3 lanes in order to do that u-turn. Impossible! There were already more than 10 cars queuing there! I lost my chance to get in. I had to stop. And there goes 8 points.

So the tester told me to go forward. 阴差阳错 we went to the route my instructor brought me this morning and hah i avoided the traps altogether.

Droplets of perspiration dripping down. Big droplets.

Seeing that we were proceeding back to the test center and i still haven't done an u-turn, i thought i failed. I followed him to the office. (Ma de walk faster la!) And he reprimanded me. How could i have made a decision myself to go straight when you told me to do an u-turn hello??

But i passed la. Nevermind.

When i just got out, i met Junwen who was applying his pdl. What a coincidence lol. We had a good chat while we wait for the long queue at the office.

After getting the license, things seem somewhat completed. I sent a thank you message to my instructor before going home.

After having so many lessons, i think i am more ready for the road. Hearing many stories about one-time-passed drivers getting into accidents, i feel that me having so many lessons might not be a bad thing after all.