Thursday, April 29, 2010

Year 2 first sem started le. It will be getting busier and busier, harder and harder as time goes by. This sem i want to try using paper notes instead of com. It's a bit more troublesome but i believe it will be easier to study. Yet this sem, the amount of notes increased significantly. It means more expenses. But it should be worth it since i can't stand sitting on this chair and staring at the com the whole day......

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

This place feels so cold, not like a home to me anymore. Like an empty, deserted house. I'm not a good family member. I wasn't able to make anymore compromises. Sorry. This is my limit. I've made up my mind. The moment i'm able to provide for myself, i will move out of this place. You all had to sacrifice me anyway. Then, there's no need for me to be here anymore. These few years there isn't a single happy day back home, and i'm causing unhappiness to all of you. So, me leaving would be a better option. Don't complain about regretting giving birth to me, i have no wish of coming into this world anyway. Sorry Dad. For dragging you into this whole mess. Really sorry.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15. Rainy.

I used to think that when i turned 18th, a wizard or a shinigami will appear and tell me about my secret powers. Then probably take me to Hogwarts or something. Obviously, it didn't happen. Hahaha. How foolish it is.

Today. Two words. Great day. During primary school period, there used to be a popular composition topic called 'The most unforgettable birthday'. I envied my classmates for having something to write because my birthdays are roughly similar each year with variations here and there. least now, i know, i have something to write.
Had to thank my friends for taking out their precious time to celebrate with me. Many many thanks. Especially Yue yang for his great efforts; the cake and the watch. Though he didn't sleep much the previous day, he still managed to accompany me throughout the day and be a great host. Words already can't be used to describe my gratitude and appreciation for his efforts. And for the wishes i made at the birthday cake, i only had one. It concerns the four of us but i'm not going to tell anyone till it came true incase it becomes ineffective.

In the evening, i went to Pariss International Seafood Buffet Restaurant at Marina Square to eat with my family. I ate till i couldn't eat anymore. I tried my best but i still ate very little. I guessed i'm not suitable for buffet restaurant. After that, i received another fabulous present, from my brother. Thank you very much. I like all my presents and more importantly the thoughts behind them.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The past is a history. Today is a present.

The past can be a tripping stone that hinders our progess or a stepping stone to reach a higher level. The choice is often up to people. We can continue to fall and live in the echos of those memories. Or forget about them, pick ourselves up and grow from the experience.

It's time to wake up and continue on. No use dwelling. Look forward to tomorrow and be a better person.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Had a very sad dream this morning and cried in my sleep. Woke up in the wee hours tearing uncontrollably. Took me awhile to stop my tears. Luckily, it was just a dream. It wouldn't happen in reality. I hope so...


Today, it rained. 清明节 is here. It's time for tome-cleaning, so we went to visit him again. It was so crowded, smoky and wet there at 光明山. But we were lucky. To be able to find a parking lot and an empty table easily. Did the usual thing and went home.

Life still has to go on no matter what.