Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Today is Father's Day. We went out for dinner. One the way, i saw a really beautiful sight at the outskirts. A view of the unusually huge orange sun gleaming in crimson afterglow, approaching the horizon. It was accompanied by a myraid of kites hovering in the cloudy sky. On the foreground, countless kids, with their shirts fluttering in the winds, were trotting on the vast grassland, gazing up at their kites. They looked so carefree and cheerful. A pity i didn't managed to take a picture.

I had an interesting encounter today. It happened in the Gents when i was trying to wash the black pepper off my hands. Two brothers about the age of 6 came in. After they're done, one of them walked to the basin beside mine and attempted to reach for the tap. But he couldn't make it. And so he asked politely, in a soft voice, "Can you help me?"

Acceding to his request, i smiled and pressed the tap for him. After he's done, his hands still dripping with water, he walked over to his brother and began rubbing and scrubbing his brother's hands. He murmured something like, "There, i'll help you." And they hustled out of the room.

I smiled foolishly at myself in the mirror.

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