Sunday, July 11, 2010

Is there anybody missing me right now? I am missing someone at this moment. Or rather all these while. There are so many people in this world. I always believe that there is a person somewhere in the corner of this world who is doing the exact same thing at the same time as me. I believe, right now, there's another person who is also sitting in front of their computer lamenting and yearning for their certain someone. But what's the possibilty that their certain someone is doing the same thing too?......

Time always seem to be at its own pace, never stopping to wait for anyone. Always seem to be flying towards an ethereal space, never stopping even once to look back. Is this what's life supposed to be? Always fighting with time? Can there really be a time where people can just lie back and gaze at the clouds? Each day is all about lectures, tutorials, projects, facebook, piano and nothing else. No time for anything else. Seven days a week ain't enough.

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