Thursday, September 2, 2010

Here i am back on this page after a 4-week hiatus. During this period, i was busy refining my knowledge and making preparation for the exams. Today was tax paper. It aimed to slaughter people who think too much. Because there were tons of trap-within-a-trap. I wonder who exactly had the skill to set such high-level illusions. Anyway, since i can notice some of these traps, i guess i should be fine.

Today wasn't exactly a great day. Started the morning with sleep deprivation. Insomnia for some reason that i don't know. Then, my bus passed by right in front of me. So i waited and waited and my ankle began to hurt so much because the new socks were too tight. Thus, i went back to change to a new pair and rush down. Then another bus fled off before my eyes...

After the test, i talk talk talk with classmates until i had forgotten about my bag. Continue talking till the first floor then i realise that i am only holding on to my pencil case. I received a sudden, acute heart attack. I turned back immediately and tried to maneuver through the horde moving down the stairs, like playing dodge-the-falling-boulders game. At that moment, they seem so obstructive to me. Luckily, i managed to stop the invigilator 1 second before she locks the door. Nothing seems to be lost. How forgetful of me.



  1. Wow,change ur background already worr~~Is this from blogger background?If not,how u make ur own pisture as the background?

  2. Yea. Its from blogger. Got a lot of new background image.
