Saturday, October 23, 2010

Whether Weather

What is happening to Singapore's weather? It has been acting so strangely. Last week, it feels almost like an oven. The sweltering heat makes it impossible to sleep at night. I had no choice but to place an additional fan facing myself because my air-con was spoilt.

Then there was this strange phenomenon that i saw at the skies of Marina. It was a huge, circular and peach-coloured cloud with a yellowish glow in the centre located above the waters. It doesn't seem to be caused by a man-made torch that was shone towards the sky. It was 8 and the sky was dark. All the other clouds around it were grey or almost invisible. Only that huge patch stood out distinctly and could be seen from very far away. It left me wondering...

This week, weather changes to hazy. Newspapers said that it had reached an unhealthy level and will escalate during the weekends. It's unwise to go out but our school still continues regardless......And now, cool wind is gusting against me real hard. least it's not hot wind. This temperature is cooling and it feels like Genting. I hope the weather stays like this all the way.

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