Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Diary | 29 Mar 2011 | Tuesday

Today's quite a rush. Went to school early in the morning for an optional class. Six students turned up. That's a little sad. The college student from Osaka University came and gave us some revision. It was quite fun though. Then we had lunch with all the 'sensei(s)' before showing her around the school. After the tour, we sent her back to her office. It was 2pm already. I rushed to the bus stop to catch the bus. On the way, I alighted to buy the FTT textbook and went to another bus stop for Bus 51. Luckily, there was Transfer Rebate. If not it will be very expensive. So 51 went to Hougang Interchange and I took the train to Compass Point. I shopped at Compass Point for a while and then took the bus home. There was Transfer Rebate again hah.

Rested for no more than 20 minutes and I have to be on my way to driving lessons. Haiz. Tiring. When you see your bed but can't lie on it. Got to rush to the bus stop again and there's still rebates for me haha. But I was late for the lesson. Nevertheless, it was fun...

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