Sunday, June 12, 2011


Finally. There is a break. Ever since the previous fortnight, there were so many things to do. I seems to be taking up a lot of leadership position in projects lately. So the time i had to spend on projects would be more since i am obliged to check everybody's work. Not to mention preparation for the mock interview. Which was......lots-of-area-for-improvement. That's a pity. But i had no time to feel sad because i had two presentation in the following week to prepare for. So together with the assignments and also language lessons at night, i had very little time to sleep during the previous week.

What's worse? Common test on that Saturday. So last week, Monday to Friday, was the only time that i tried to read on the bus. Bad experience. On Saturday, i had to wake up at 5.30am to make my way to school for the 8am paper. Ungodly timing. I was feeling insanely terrible that day due to the lack of sleep. And after exam i have to rush back to Seng Kang for my piano lesson. Tough day, tough week. But i had to hang on

This week, was slightly better. There were a few driving lessons, so studying time were compromised, again. Fortunately there were no language and piano classes this week; so i don't have to care about the homework for the time being.

After the last paper on Thursday, everybody seems to be going for celebration. I am heading home straight away. But i didn't feel bad because i am not rotting at home. I'm having a driving lesson in the afternoon. So i'm going back to sleep first. Driving test is coming soon so things would be more of a rush. After the lesson, i slept again till late night. After waking up for a packet of spicy instant noodle, i went back to sleep yet again. I was too tired.

Friday, i had a competition briefing on the audit quiz competition in the morning. But i woke up with a terrible stomachache. I knew it. The instant noodle. However, i had to go for the briefing, aching all the way. But luckily, Korean lesson was cancelled. If not, i had to stay in school till 8pm.

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