Saturday, February 4, 2012

Diary | 3 Feb 2012 | Friday

This week was the toughest week of the whole internship. Everything was very difficult to do. But i'm glad that it is over now. Managed to finish everything around four and rush for the speech contest at 4.30pm. Was a bit late but never mind. I am presenting last. I am super happy that i said out my speech without mistake and much hesitation. Did not even performed that well during my thousandth rehearsal. And in the end, because i did not use any written notes for my speech, i received praises for my memory tehehe ^^

After the contest, we mingled around with the Japanese students and had some refreshments. Then the award ceremony began. But i didn't really care much and went to the toilet (lol). When i was done, my sensei saw me coming back and opened the door quickly. And she was like: "There he is!". I was surprised when i was told that i won the third prize. Everybody was looking at me and clapping when the door just opened. Omg!! Ahahahaha!! So fortunate ~. I think i let out a really shock expression for everybody to see hah!

After that, everyone received an envelope that contains comments from the Japanese students as well as our fellow classmates. I got mine too. Though i couldn't decipher the difficult comments by the foreign students, i can understand the easier ones from my classmates. The warm-hearted wishes made me smile from the bottom of my heart. I realized that this was the last assessment/event relating to Japanese for the 3 years of poly life. After today, there probably won't be much chance for me to cross path with Japanese or these classmates again. Feeling a little sad. Though i did not really interact with others except for Bentoh in class, i am beginning to feel reluctant towards leaving these bunch of people.

The prizes and everything i've received from the class this year

After everything ended, i met up with some fellow interns who happened to be in school. We went to eat at a market nearby the school. Then we stayed there and chatted for a long time. Time flies really fast and internship is about to end. But i couldn't wait. So do they ahahaha!! ...... Hmm on the other hand, this also means that everybody would be going separate ways, doesn't it?

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