Sunday, October 21, 2012

Guard Duty!

I had my guard duty this week. It was suppperrr relax!!! Relax is only applicable for my shift. Only that particular shift! Well...i didn't choose it. Me and my friend let the others choose first (they keep changing their mind! *curse them*) and then we took the last available shift. Nth shift sentry at the ferry terminal. It turned out to be the best one because that shift is the only one-time shift. The first few shift personnel have to be on duty again after our shift haha! The prowlers have to do a few shifts throughout the night as well, not to mention that they have to walk around Tekong.

I had a good rest that day because i slept like 8pm till my shift. Then me and my friend guarded the ferry terminal for quite a while. At midnight, there was no one booking in or out. So it was quite an easy job. But we couldn't move around or do anything so we basically kept each other company by chatting all the way. I got praised for doing my job as well (i won't reveal much here). One of the rare things that you can be happy about in Tekong. Finally, our shift ended and we passed over to the others before heading back to sleep till 6am. Woke up for breakfast before going back to our company for another 3 hours of rest~

I think i am quite lucky because due to guard duty, i managed to skip running in the rain as well as the cadence run in the following morning. Then aqua jog was cancelled. All the activities that i detest did not happen.

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