Friday, February 26, 2010

Chinese New Year Trip

13 Feb 2010. The day we embarked on a journey that has no internet or facebook throughout. It was a relaxing journey without any itinerary to follow. We do as we wished, taking one step at a time. Set off in wee hours, we arrived at a foodcourt somewhere in the countryside at 8 and had a quick breakfast. The temperature there was quite cooling. We continued on the journey in the car and managed to reach KL before noon. We tried very hard to wriggle through the unlawful street where the people and cars coexist. The people were like colonies of ants. Countless. I looked at you, you looked at me, and continue walking like nobody's business. Hey! This is not a zebra crossing you know? We drove around in circles, trying to find our hotel. To our surprise, we passed-by my father's workplace where he worked in 30 years ago. The shop was still there and his ex-boss, colleagues were still working there. He could still recognize them after 30 years?! We parked the car by the road and went in to do some catching-up. After that, they gave us directions to our hotel and we checked-in.
Not this one. We don't have money.
It's a small 3-star hotel with no carpark. So, we parked our car by the road outside the hotel and received a summon the next day. Didn't intend to pay cause we are waiting for the government to give discounts and offers. Yes, Malaysian government do give discounts for summons occasionally to entice their people to pay up. They have no choice cause their people don't care about the government and don't want to pay.

After we put our lugguage in the room, we went for lunch in chinatown which is just beside the hotel. Smiling throughout the lunch, Pa reminiscence about his work at KL 30 years ago; about his colleagues, boss etc. After that, we walked around chinatown street. Nothing much there but very crowded. Didn't managed to buy anything. We went back to rest shortly after. And i watched their television; all malay programmes and the only chinese one sucks. At 5, we set off to 婆婆's house. Just nice peak hour. Traffic congestion. The drivers were seriously playing music with their horn and they could form an orchestra le la. And i noticed how all the cigarettes, chewing gums, plastic bags decorated the pavement and road. What a wonderful place.

That was the first time i went to 婆婆's house. We had a very simple and quiet 8-person dinner unlike the usual 3-table feast at 外婆's. Haven't seen 婆婆 for a few years already. She didn't change at all. And then there was a broadcast of a malay man singing.  走音 somemore. I knew and personally heard them broadcasting people singing at 5 IN THE MORNING but didn't know they do it in the evening too. After the dinner, i was so happy to receive crystal's message. So thoughtful of her. After dinner, we went back to the hotel to mug. I spent the last second of Bull's year studying bmgt. Miss setting off fireworks and playing mahjong with them at 外婆's.

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