Friday, December 31, 2010

2010. End.

It rained. The last day of 2010. It seems like everything is coming to an end. Things feel relunctant......but they will have to go. This year, things changed. Interests...changed, personality...changed, attitude...changed, mindset...changed, life...changed.

Though there are many 'lows' this year, I'm glad that I have found my reason to live. It's okay to be unhappy. It's a driving force to make me continue striving. I want to learn as much as I can before my life reaches a conclusion. Life, is short. But I would want to, at least, be able to smile during my last few seconds. That's the kind of ending that I want.

2010 is reaching its end just like how the previous years did. However, I don't think I would forget this particular year called 2010.

You are fading away along with the ticking hand. Bye 2010.

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