Thursday, December 9, 2010

Haiz...Today was a long day. Started with a stomachache in the morning and was late for class. Teacher said that it was a bad excuse. Only something like severe traffic jam is reasonable because it is uncontrollable. But it was not an excuse and it wasn't controllable either. Her logic is pretty funny and everybody laughed. In the lecture after that, there was a mock paper but nobody could finish it. 1 hour is just too short. I wonder why they give us such a short time to do so many things. After lunch, there was a RFA tutorial again. Did another paper and couldn't finish again. Tsk. Must practice practice.

Followed by that was another lecture on Clsp and EAA. I wasn't paying attention for the second half because the second speaker speaks in L.O.W monotonous voice. It ended at 5.30pm. 9-5 day huh? Was intending to start studying RFA but ended up wasting my time at Facebook and at this place. Ok i still have 1 hour left to study. Shall start now.

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