Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I finally mailed out my application for SMU university today :)   It had been burdening me for ages...ermmm...ya i went back to school yesterday to get my testimonials from Ms Phoon and Yoko sensei. I had a nice catch-up with them......It was a wonderful feeling :)   But i don't know if we have a chance to meet again. I miss the school, the people, the place. I felt nostalgic and reluctant to leave school yesterday. I know i don't have much chance to get back to this place again......

I just wrote a thank-you note to these two teachers. It wasn't easy trying to write everything in Japanese to Yoko sensei so i wrote it with a mixture of languages. Kinda glad to be their students and grateful for their teachings :)   Also grateful to the other good teachers as well.

Thank you for everything :)

On the other hand, my illness seems to be recovering after so many weeks. I hope i will fully recover soon...
I shall spend the rest of my time studying for music theory exam this saturday.

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