Saturday, March 17, 2012


Passed these few days with a blurry state of mind. Fever, burning eyes, running blocked nose, painful pimples/ulcers and insects bites all over me. I think the damn bugs brought me some virus which causes infection because the vampire-like bite marks on my calf is turning dark red. Couldn't sleep well.

My brother had been overseas. Yesterday, i got dragged by father to rescue his car because the battery's dead when it wasn't warmed up for some time. Halfway through all the futile attempts, i noticed bloods on my foot. Lots of blood. Dripping. I hid it from dad before going home to tend my wounds. All the movements must have tore open my wounds i guess. Later that day, every movement i made hurts.

Nevertheless, i went to Suntec this morning for Grade 3 theory test (with a limp though). Those happy kids must be wondering what this lame uncle is doing at this place. The paper was quite easy la! I was carrying a fever after all leh. I limp back after that...

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