Saturday, February 27, 2010

The second/third day

Saw this exemption clause behind the hotel room door.
An inside view of the hotel
Don't be fooled by the appearance, the lobby toilet is dirty and clogged up. Shan't elaborate more. After breakfast at the hotel, we went for the casino~~. On the way there, there were no S'pore car because of the new casino.
The fog was so thick and it was so cold.
Got into the casino straight away but didn't gamble. It was an eye-opener. My family won a few hundred dollars and then we went for lunch. Finally found a place with unprotected wi-fi. Fb awhile then walked around the mall. 婆婆 became tired and we sent her home.

After a rest, we went to 外婆's house, at Kahang. During the night, we set 'kong ming' lantern, watched fireworks and played mahjong together. It's so fun being with my cousins.

初二 morning we went to a nearby roti-prata shop to eat breakfast. Few of us went first to get seats and we ordered 30 roti-pratas. That prata-man was so shocked and faster went to flip his roti-prata. After that we went back to continue our mahjong session. Afternoon; the lion dance troupes came to our house and we set off the firecrackers.


In the evening, we went to Kluang, where another relatives is located. We reserved a room at a hotel restaurant and ate there. It was a big room to hold three tables. There was also ktv there. Stayed there for few hours and then straight away came back to S'pore. Before we left, all of us took a photo at the entrance. And then everybody went separate ways. It was sad to leave them and it also means i have to get back to my studies. I wished i can spend more time there. Away from singapore, away from studies, away from all the sadness back here...

1 comment:

  1. U know how surprising when i saw this post??

    'It was sad to leave them '

    I was glad to hear this from u!Me Too!!

    Hope u will come back more oftenly...We can go karaoke also!!!

    What's so sad there?

    Just feel free to tell me...
