Sunday, August 7, 2011

Back to the Past

Recently i downloaded this game on my phone. It was a Role-Playing-Game. The settings and interface looks so much like those that i played when i was a kid. It was so nostalgic. It remembered how i used to play Albert Odyssey and Final Fantasy games. Fighting all the monsters, talking to random strangers etc......It was fun. I realized that i really like these RPGs. Looking back, i had gone through dozens of adventures and wonderful story-lines. I had fought alongside with the main characters and had been through a lot together. (haha...) Well, that's because i play games seriously, so they somehow feel like my friends. Every time the games end, i would feel really reluctant. Anyway, these RPGs had made an impact in my life. Hearing the background music again always make me feel like i'm back into the story, back at those times. Sometimes i wish that these stories goes on forever. So i can stay in these colourful worlds for a longer time.

Listen to my story......This may be our last chance.

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