Monday, August 29, 2011

Last Exams

Well...the last exams are finally over. The next exam would be few years from now (I hope I still have). This semester is sure tough.'s all over. Years of struggling in school has come to a temporary stop. I changing to the next phrase of life. But the next to come would be the working society. I guess it would be a lot tougher. I just have to become stronger and stronger to face whatever that's coming. I have to prepare myself for the arduous road ahead. I have to give all my best.

There's one week of rest before internship starts. I should make good use of this time. My driving test is on the Thursday, so I'm having daily lessons now. I really have no confidence on it but I have to pass it this time round. Beside that, I would need to brush up on my foreign languages and piano too. I've wasted Monday. So tomorrow have to be a productive day.

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