Sunday, August 28, 2011

Piano Results

My results are out and I'm happy with it. The aural section turned out to be better than usual. I'm surprised. But as usual, my sight-reading really need improvements. Just barely made it for the distinction. And I got the examiner's comments......but who could read her handwriting?! I really couldn't decipher some of the words. But anyway, I know which area I need to buck up on. Time to work hard!!

And I got this as a reward from the school. Haha I like this kind of little decorations. However, I had a hard time assembling it because it was so brittle. I almost broke it twice. But phew, it was completed 'in one piece'. (I sacrificed hours of revision for this!! If it broke, I would have killed someone!!)

One day hah! I would get a real one

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