Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Graduation Day

After checking that everything is done and ready, I brought all the things with me and headed for school in formal attire. 平常心。 I wasn't feeling particularly excited nor nervous. But rather happy that I could get to see my friends after such a long time. My comrades.

I met yongwen on the way and we proceeded to meet up with bentoh-san. I had them accompany me around the school doing errands for the last time. We met other friends along the way and we gathered in the library for some catch-up. Time flew and we proceeded to the reporting venue, put on our harry potter robes that we purposely came down to collect the other day, before settling down in our respective seats.

Then, began the boring wait and the boring talk. After decades, I followed the queue to the hall and sat down with people that I am not close with. Sad case. Had to watch the ceremony silently. Dad and mum reached the hall on time. I saw where they sat. There was quite a distance. And so we watched the not-so-exciting stuffs for a while. Finally, it was my turn to get on stage. It was so exciting tehehe ^^! Sooo exciting!!!! (Maybe because I was cooped up in the silent group for some time) And thanks! Thanks for the loud cheers for me hahaha!

After receiving the dummy certificate, we immediately proceeded to queue for the real thing (and also the bear ^^) before rejoining the ceremony. Cheers to all my classmates who graduated! During the valedictorian's speech, memories of these 3 years came up to my mind...Good ones, memorable ones...Hehe...It has been quite a journey. A good one though :)   Thanks to the fun times we had. If there is an OST playing during the speech, it would be more awesome! Just like the movies hah :D

After the speech, everybody went out for the photo-takingggg (best thing!). Many didn't touch the buffet (not interested), just take photo only haha! I went around taking photos/chatting with people too. EY people. Project mates. Need to thank them for this 3 years :)   A pity I didn't get to take with some people though. Spent hours there before going off to return the robes.

I'd say these photos proved that we once fought side-by-side. Years later, I would hope to see that each one of us is shinning brightly at our own path. Our own dreams.

"The challenges, the obstacles. Do not be defeated by reality.", I'd tell myself. 

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