Thursday, June 28, 2012

Diary | 26 May 2012 | Saturday

Graduation Night

Ah! I am late!

I rushed up the stairs to the second floor of the alumni club house. The performance had already started. The place were filled with people. I looked around; there were some familiar faces. I smiled to them and tried to locate KA. I saw him on the left and sat down at the overcrowded table. We exchanged greetings and watched the performance on stage. After some vocal performance and the lecturers' roly poly cover (i had intuition that they are dancing this haha), the dinner started~~

The buffet was substandard...but at least the aloe vera/wolfberry drink is good. What can you expect to get for $10? The dinner lasted for a while with some chatting and interactions with my friends. After dinner we had some games before the election of the best dressed couple that day. Some of them had really interesting catwalk lol. All sort of stuffs from magic to kissing and dancing...

The best couple won probably because of their support luh. There were other couples better dressed than them. Then the event ended with a lucky draw. Pui ! Didn't win the ipad argh!

I stayed on a little longer, taking photos with friends from other tables. This is probably the last time I would see these people. After some mingling, our group left. Split ways and left. Me and some headed for SIM bus stop. We waited for a long time before 74 appeared at the end of the road.

I sat on the bus. Had some reflection.

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